Seeking solutions – Finding Balance

Watch the NZLCA 2023 Conference Online: 10 February to 5 March 2023
2023 Conference Programme
All presentations are 60 minutes unless otherwise stated
Tash Wharerau
Manaakitia te taōnga - Whāngai U ki roto i Nga Wānanga o Hine Koopu: Nurturing Breastfeeding through Hāpu Wānanga
Dianne Wepa
Breastfeeding and Lactation: Whangai ū: A Māori perspective
Allison Walsh
Each One, Teach One: Mentoring on IBLCE’s Pathway 3
Holly Walker
Āhurutia Te Rito | It takes a village: how better perinatal mental health policy could transform the future for whānau and communities
Karolyn Vaughan
What Are the Changes to the IBCLC Certification Programme?
30 minutes
Carol Smyth
Reflux in the Breastfed Baby: Challenging the Acid Suppression Paradigm
Emma Pickett
1. The dangerous obsession with the infant feeding interval
45 minutes
2. Supporting the ending of breastfeeding: how to support parent-led weaning and why it matters
Yvonne LeFort
Hyperlactation: caring for the super producers
45 minutes
Anna Le Grange
Breast/Chestfeeding After Breast Reduction
Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
1. Why Breastfeeding Prevents Maternal Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease
2. Should this Study Change My Practice?
Renee Kam
Breast hypoplasia and insufficient milk production – what we know and what we still need to find out
Jen Hocking
Finding Connection in Complexity: How Lactation Consultants provide breastfeeding support for complex mother-baby dyads
Karleen Gribble
1. The WHO International Code and the rights of women and children
2. Infant Feeding in Emergencies
Alison Farnell
Breastfeeding a Baby with a Cleft
Rosann Edwards
Supporting Older First-time Mothers to Practice Empowered Breastfeeding and Early Mothering
Ali Bigwood
Introducing Pasteurised Donor Human Breastmilk into the Hospital Setting - a Manawatu, New Zealand perspective
Gretchen Becker Crabb
Sensory Processing: Using Co-Regulation to Support the Feeding Relationship
Lisa Amir
Identifying design solutions to increase women’s comfort with breastfeeding in public
Registration Fees
To meet your ongoing education requirements, NZLCA is offering you a total of
20 education hours to watch online. Choose as few or as many as you want for
one heavily discounted price - there is no obligation to complete all 21 presentations.
Member Earlybird – prior to 10 January 2023 – $365
Member Full – after 10 January 2023 – $415
Non-Member Earlybird – prior to 10 January 2023 – $415
Non-Member – after 10 January 2023 – $465
Evidence of NZLCA 2022 membership will be required for the member rate. Fees are in NZ dollars and include GST.
Total Cerps Allocated: 16.5 L; 1 E and 2.5 R Cerps
Recognition Number: C202305
Pre-Exam Education Hours: 20
This event has been approved up to 20 hours by the NZ Midwifery Council.
Certificates will be provided based on the number of online presentations completed.
NZLCA has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP Provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF LACTATION CONSULTANT EXAMINERS®, IBLCE®, INTERNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT®, and IBCLC® are registered marks of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.