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We are the association for Lactation Consultants in New Zealand

The New Zealand Lactation Consultants Association (NZLCA) is the professional association of the International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in New Zealand.


Most NZLCA members are qualified Lactation Consultants who have passed a fully accredited examination set by the International Board of Lactation Consultants Examiners (IBLCE). The title ‘International Board Certified Lactation Consultant’ (IBCLC) can only be used by persons who are IBCLC Certified and provided that they submit to periodic re-certification procedures mandated by IBLCE.


Other NZLCA Members include: health professionals with an interest in lactation, health professional students, aspiring IBCLCs and retired IBCLCs.

Opportunities for education provided by NZLCA for members and interested health professionals include workshops, and conferences which cover many aspects of lactation, often provided by international presenters. These enable the Lactation Consultant to keep current with research and topical issues and help gain education points for re-certification.

Local groups meet informally to discuss relevant issues at intervals during the year.


Aims and objectives

​The purpose for which the Association is established is to foster optimal maternal and child health by protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding and the use of human milk for infants, by:
  1. Providing mutual support and education for New Zealand Lactation Consultants;

  2. Providing a forum for discussion and regular communication between Lactation Consultants;

  3. Making representations to relevant authorities on issues of concern to Lactation Consultants and to serve as an Advisory Body for such authorities;

  4. Maintaining a Directory of Lactation Consultants who are Members and in private practice;

  5. Liaising with other organisations within New Zealand who have objectives similar to the Association;

  6. Promoting breastfeeding and breastmilk as the biological norm;

  7. Encouraging New Zealand-based research in the field of breastfeeding and human lactation;

  8. Supporting the WHO International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly resolutions.

NZ Board Members



Cara HafnerPresident
Janine Parsons, Secretary

Kristina Maconaghie, Treasurer

Anthea Brown, Communications & Projects 

Julie Foley, Membership

The role of the Board is to administer the national affairs and business of the association on behalf of the members.  This is governed by the constitution of the association. Scroll down for more information about our Board Members. 






Cara Hafner



I am originally from Oregon in the USA and I have a background in maternal-child nursing as a postnatal nurse, public health nurse and lactation consultant. I have been an IBCLC since 2006. I worked at Christchurch Women’s Hospital from 2009-2012. Most recently, I worked for a BFHI accredited hospital in the USA as a supervisor of lactation services and as an inpatient and outpatient Lactation Consultant. I am very happy to be back in Aotearoa New Zealand working as the Baby Friendly Advisor at NZBA. I am also happy to be representing the NZLCA as a Board member in the Communications and Projects role. I enjoy social media and see it as a great way to communicate education opportunities and evidenced-based breastfeeding information to our members. It is also an opportunity to link the NZLCA to the many other national and international organizations that are doing the important work of supporting whānau in their breastfeeding journeys.


Kristina Maconaghie


I’ve been an IBCLC since 2017. I live in Taupo and work for Lakes DHB as part of the Kia Wana Breastfeeding Service and am also Chair of the Research and Ethics Committee. Prior to having children, I was a lecturer in health care ethics and since then I have been active in my community supporting breastfeeding and early parenting - as a La Leche League Leader since 2007, and volunteering with Parents Centre and Playcentre. I joined the NZLCA Board hoping to help grow and strengthen our profession and work with others to reduce barriers to becoming an IBCLC in New Zealand.


Janine Parsons



I am a Registered Nurse, and became and IBCLC in 2009 - where my passion to support mothers and their new-born’s in overcoming challenges with breastfeeding arose from working at Kaitaia Maternity, as a postnatal nurse.  I reside with my 3 teenage sons near Whangarei, and work at Whangarei Hospital and our community clinics in Northland.  I have been impressed by what NZLCA has done from IBCLC’s over the past years, especially with the conferences and ongoing education provision.  Joining the board has been my way of giving back to this awesome association!


Anthea Brown

Communications & Projects


I bring to my role on the NZLCA Board, more than 25 years of involvement in breastfeeding education and support. I am a Registered Nurse and have been an IBCLC since 2014 and board member since 2019. I am based in Taranaki and joined the Board as I felt it was important to continue to have representation from the provinces and also from those who work in the community.


Julie Foley



My breastfeeding journey, and interest in supporting families to meet their breastfeeding goals began when I had my first baby over 30 years ago when I attended my first La Leche League meeting. I became an LLL Leader in 1997 (recently retired), and an IBCLC in 2009.  I currently work at Wairarapa Hospital as Lactation Consultant and BFHI coordinator.  Prior to that I worked at Tui Ora in Taranaki as the Tiaki Ūkaipō Breastfeeding Coordinator to develop a programme in the community for both breastfeeding support, and health promotion in the areas of nutrition and physical activity.  I was also the LLLNZ representative on the NZBA board from 2016 to 2021.  I have also in the past been on the Board and the Chair of Pregnancy Help in Taranaki. Prior to having children (and for some time afterwards) I worked as a Nurse in the field of disability. I look forward to having more interactions with you all.

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