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 11 February through to 6 March 2022
Giving you an extended length of time to listen to recorded sessions and more CERPS.

This is an online conference offering pre-recorded sessions which can be viewed at any time between 11 February and 6 March 2022.

Confirmed Speakers

Alyssa Schell

 The Unique Needs of Non-Gestational Parents Adoption, Surrogacy, LGBTQ+ and More (USA)


Helen Ball

Changing Baby Sleep Conversations in the UK (UK)


Essawy Fayrouz

Breastmilk Storage and Handling in the Home Setting (Egypt)


Eleanor Gates

Case Study on Induced Lactation and Hidradenitis Suppurativa (NZ)


Karlene Gribble

Covid-19 Guidance for Maternal and Newborn Care: Who’s doing what and why? (Aust)


Denise Harrison

Neonatal Pain: The Evidence and the Knowledge to Action Gap (Aust)


Stephanie Hutchison

Our digital world: the ethics of breastfeeding support through social media for millennials (USA)


Wendy Inman

The Biology of the Mammary Gland in Lactation (Aust)


Yvonne LeFort

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Position Statement on Ankyloglossia in Breastfeeding Dyads (NZ)


Lucy Ruddle

Labours of Love – relactation experiences and outcomes (UK)


Meghan McMillin

Baby-led Weaning: what the lactation professional should know (USA)


Iidil Merlini

Online Resources for IBCLCs, IBLCE Exam Candidates and Breastfeeding Advocates (NZ)




Katrina Mitchell

Medical (Surgical) Management of Nipple and Breast Wounds In Lactation (USA).


The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) (USA).


Benign Breast Disease During Pregnancy and Lactation (USA


Melissa Morns

Breastfeeding Aversion: Current and Future Research (Aust)


Pamela Morrison

How Can We Help the HIV+ Mother who wants to breastfeed? (UK)


Johanna Sargeant

At-breast Supplementation (Switzerland)


Kathryn Stagg

Feeding Twins and Triplets – Supporting Families During Their Breastfeeding Journey (UK)



And more to be confirmed. Further information will be sent soon

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