This was an online conference offering pre-recorded sessions that
could be viewed at any time between 19 February and 3 March 2021

In 2021, our preferred conference hotel was being used as an isolation facility, therefore we rose to the challenge of keeping you updated and earning continuing education recertification points (CERPS) by offering a mammoth number of pre-recorded presentations.
Check out the conference brochure below for full details of speakers and topics.
IBCLCs must reflect and connect regularly. This conference offered time out for you to do that. There were opportunities to reflect on current practice, current personal needs, how to deal with ethical issues, and more.
There was a chance to connect online with presenters and participants; on Facebook and other social media; and to attend the AGM by Zoom on 26 February. Reflection and Reconnection is the name of the game.
Presentation were lead with an opening session highlighting 30 years of NZLCA becoming the professional organisation in New Zealand, for those who had passed the international examination and were certified as IBCLCs.