Find an IBCLC Lactation Consultant
There are publicly funded services in the community offering Lactation support. To access these services ask your Lead Maternity Carer or Well Child provider, or contact your local maternity hospital or birthing unit.
The Directory below lists Lactation Consultants in NZ in private practice who are members of NZLCA.
NZLCA has a number for mothers 0800 4LACTATION.
This service is to help mothers locate breastfeeding help in their region, rather than to provide telephone counselling.
To check whether someone is a current IBCLC go to the IBLCE public registry webpage and search
by their surname (family name).
Would you like your name added to the Directory?
Need your details updated?
Please fill in the form here.


Northland Lactation Consultant team
Whangārei, New Zealand

Kia Wana Breastfeeding
Rotorua, New Zealand